New scientific study reveals that GMOs are safe

scientistThe Central Organization for Regulating Unilateral Protection Today (CORUPT)* released its findings of ten-year study on the effects of genetically modified organisms (GMO) on human health.

A survey, conducted from 2004-2014 of 134,567 U.S. households, found that 98% of the people reported no ill-health effects due to GMO food consumption during the ten-year period. The survey contained ten multiple-choice questions asking participants to report any side-effects experienced directly after consuming any of the five different GMO foods included in the survey. The survey was conducted by land-line telephones between 9AM and 5PM. The households included in the survey were chosen at random from local white pages in Montana, South Dakota, Missouri, Iowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Mississippi, and Kentucky.

A biased detractor, Harland Loveland, from the Organic Small Farmers Association, cast doubt on the findings, noting that the participants were probably not informed on the issue.

Richard Peters, head of the Central Organization, notes “although most of the people surveyed claimed they had no knowledge of whether or not GMOs were contained in the food they were eating, since most foods do contain GMOs, it’s safe to say that they were consuming nothing but GMO foods. So our findings, that GMO food consumption results in no ill-effects as per the survey findings, remains unchallenged.”

Peters opposes legislation requiring food manufacturers to label GMO products. He maintains that consumers may be “frightened” and “confused” by the information. “We don’t want that to happen,” Peters stated.

James Weasal, head of Marketing for the Industrial Foods Association, optimistically notes that the GMO issue “is just a marketing problem. If this unnecessary and potentially harmful legislation is allowed to go through, we will address the problem head on. We are already developing an exciting campaign with fun and eye-catching labels that say, “GMO Proud,” and “100% pure American GMO,” or “33-percent more GMO, Free” to stress the positivity of GMO foods. As long as consumers see GMO foods in a positive light, we can safely avoid any problems this unnecessary and potentially dangerous legislation could cause.”

-VNA, author of Locus Amoenus


*funded by Wall Street Democrats for Obama (WSDO).


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